Saturday, 23 April 2016


to make my costume for the catwalk I had to do lots of experiments and designs to make the final peace. I started of with sketching out  couple ideas on making my design linking in to human form and constructed environment so I tried some body extensions and such other features parts that can stick  out and represent constructed environment.  from my very first sketch I knew that I want to create shoulder pads that that would be the key future for the constructed environment or human body I also planing on creating a head peace. for the hands I thought I could do something like a city wall or something like that I also want to ad a cape to cover up any things that are at the back like stripes or other things that can be supporting the rest of the costume that might need support to hold them up right quickly thought of some kind of tower shoes but there is no time to lose so i have to get to experimenting and working out what will work for the costume.

I knew that making the shoulder pads will be the most difficult part of making the costume, to began wit I made a simple and rough tower with wire mesh and cowering it with plaster bandage I had mad a dent in the boom part to fit on to my shoulder better  after it dried I made some padding to protect my sounder then I added some straps  to support it on my shoulder however the structure was not stable eggnog and I had to think of something different. so I decided to do a cast of my shoulders that  would build on after do after I made the cast of my shoulders using plaster bandage I had reinforced it with wire so it had more strength to it so it could hold the construction I was going to make on top of it.After messengering out the straps I had cut holes in the cast just before the wire I had putted in the cast. Then I had used my knowledge of casting betels that I obtained in the level 2  so I casted two parts of the bole and I casted a bottom part of a bucked for the top part of the watch tower I was going to make after it all drayed out I had connected it all together with plaster bandage stripes and then I had connected it to one of the right  shoulder cast using more plaster bandage then I cut out some rectangles at the top of the tower  and for the left shoulder I had casted my left arm that after I attached on the shoulder cast and they bough seem seating stable on my sounders. to paint them and make them look more like they are made of concrete I had  mixed paint with sand and a bit of glue to have more interesting texture.

Unforgettably making the shoulder had took majority of my time so I had less time to experiment with other materials for rest of he costume but i manage to great leg attachment that were meant to represent the constructed and manipulated gardens by cuting a bit of fabric and hot gluing some tissue paper to it and ting it to my legs. I also made a simple top  that I made using Sewing Machine then I had attached a peace of dark blue fabric as a cape which was a body extension as well as it was a background  that would contrast with the constructed environment. I also managed to make and belt that was meant to represent cairn lifts lifting logs but I didn't have time to figure a way to support them up so they didn't look as good as I would like it to.

Over all I was happy with my final creation I like the shoulders because the most as they are the main structure of my costume and are a vocal point  however if I was to going to make it again I would
make my design easier and not as brave so I would have more time to make the rest of the costume more interesting and good looking

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Research for a costume

To get a better understanding of constructed environment I had walked around the town to observe some structures and see how I could implement them in my costume design. I had looked at normal houses walls and churches to look for interesting futures that can be made in to a costume.
The  roof had Interested me it had a some features that I could use in my costume design the parts that are sticking out a bit and are painted black could be used as some key futures of my costume. I also like the chimney at it stick out and can be very eye caching if was to be placed somewhere on a costume.
 Walking by the church I thought I could inspire me to make something interesting and big with my costume I really liked the two towers on the sides of the church they could be used in my design standing out and being interesting and innovative   
 I thought that the wall had a nice structure and texture i also like how random it the rock sizes making it look interesting with all different shapes and shades It would be cool to achieve similar effect on my costume. 

I also had my life drawing for my researcher.