Sunday 17 April 2016

Research for a costume

To get a better understanding of constructed environment I had walked around the town to observe some structures and see how I could implement them in my costume design. I had looked at normal houses walls and churches to look for interesting futures that can be made in to a costume.
The  roof had Interested me it had a some features that I could use in my costume design the parts that are sticking out a bit and are painted black could be used as some key futures of my costume. I also like the chimney at it stick out and can be very eye caching if was to be placed somewhere on a costume.
 Walking by the church I thought I could inspire me to make something interesting and big with my costume I really liked the two towers on the sides of the church they could be used in my design standing out and being interesting and innovative   
 I thought that the wall had a nice structure and texture i also like how random it the rock sizes making it look interesting with all different shapes and shades It would be cool to achieve similar effect on my costume. 

I also had my life drawing for my researcher. 

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