Thursday 31 March 2016

review and analysis

* The idea being my story is about my way and thoughts of going to college and learning new stuff I had tried to empathise the use of humour as its seams common and successful thing in illustrations I got that from my researcher, I had included the thoughts and things that where happening in the way through college and chose the right path for me. But I haven't included any specific moments from my life because nothing special happened while I was applying to college that would be influencing my decision, so I keep it pretty simple and straight forward.

*One of Almu Redondo illustrations had heavy influence in my character design with the way he had drawn the dreads in his "man and pet" illustration. I also like how he coloured his work and the light use of out lines having them more defined in only certain areas that needed more separation and underlining the rest of it looks like it slightly darker than the main colour. Redondo had influenced me with a simple design on the face features such as round eyes and such other things in human form that had been simplify but keeping the human form and making it appealing to the viewers.

* The structure of my comic strip seams clear to me it has a simple flow form left to the right with wonky sections that separate the cells. Maybe it would look better if each cell had or didn't have a text box at the bottom to make it more aesthetic.

*The illustration seems like a good representation of my self I had identified the key features to create my character. I could develop the background more, but it seems OK with the character being the vocal and main point of the hat views is meant to focus on when looking at the comic but filling the space with colours that look good as well.

*The visual I think it's good in my opinion, its easy to get engaged in the in the deep colours and the good illustration that has interesting look to it that can appeal to many people.

*I will develop my work to make it stronger by developing the structure of the cells as well as scanning the the image and enhancing it in photoshop, as well as improve the line work to make it a lot cleaner and maybe possibly use more colours to enhance the image. Also I would experiment more with different media more to maybe achieve better visual effect or
something that might appeal to a different audience.

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