Tuesday 11 October 2016


Composition is subject mater ,form ,content, medium, technique it is what the artist is tying to translate in to a peace and to show his mind it is also taking every thing in the painting in to the consideration and having it organised and using the correct technique that will help it have the right form remember to use the 8 rules of the composition

mise en scene it means what is put into a scene or frame It is a composition in a fiscal world scene/ film so that it informs the viewers of contents and the mood for the viewers through the layout =of the stage to help to lead the viewers to have conclusion. It can include setting, props, costume, hair,make up , face expressions, body language ,colour, lighting and the layout of earthing on the scene

semiotics the are symbols that that can be put in to 3 categories and a artist can modify the impact of a work peace by using a different one the are iconic when the symbol is looking like what it is representing, Symbolic the mining of symbolic sing must be learnt and is not necessary represent what it is, Indexical is a clue it has a peruse of linking meanings. the can all be used in a work of an art but it can be a enforces on one of them to make it have different effect and can appeal to a different audience

visual narrative its simply telling a story through a image a image can tell a lot about whats is happening in a certain scene and it also can be formed in to different parts that can be combined linear it can show the passage of time and space in one image, aggregate a non temporal relation ship between the objects in a a single composition formed from many parts, Paneled its as same as the previous ones but its shown in multiple sequences of a image. the visual narrative has also a high enfesise on a semiotics as it can help to translate a meaning to a viewer.

I think that for my area of interest the visual narrative is the best area to focus one and learn the meaning of it more to help me with telling story through the images and being able to tell a any kind of story with out using worlds.all the other options are still relevant to  telling a story its all important  for it to have a better visual impact. composition would help to keep proportions the mise en scene would make the back ground that would to have nice visuals and semiotics would help to give hints and symbolise certand tings with in the image .

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