Thursday, 21 May 2015

working with surrealism

so i  he'd been working with some surrealism developing ideas and to words my final project  i had many ideas all inspirited by other surreal artists that been developing this type of art work to be beater and better and more admired and shown to the people.

I been experimenting with cut ups from magazine and news papers doing random stuff and working a bit automatic and using random pictures i found in the magazine i had given messy the scroll of pawer that is making hem strong and powerful it sure all as he is flouting and all kinds of mystical energy is all around hem

I decided to work with inverting stuff and mixing it together for example i decided to put Gods thrown in hell with blue fire and clouds under ground the throne is empty because the God had to go on holidays.

I kept going with  inverting stuff around and displaying things in a different light as i made the grass blue and the sky green the sun black and the trees red. in the model there a strange creature that that luis down to the sun. it is surreal  as it is un natural and it is something that is not real something that can be see in dreams

then i also had worked with some automatic painting i had made some lines with black paint that looked like ruts to me so i did some cut ups of news paper and made it it to leafs of the roots and painter it green and there is also a spark of life under the ground the routs that are growing leafs under ground

more automatic drawing

this was going to be my main pice work i was developing "Robot Vikings invading monster vikings i was developing that idea long as i liked the concept of it and how the surrealism fits in ti there were flaying ships and Cyclops at first but i had changed hem to a two headed man with feet for hands.once again the colours were inverted as it helps to show the surrealism and to bring the viewers attention. the feet hand ale providing the two heeded vikings as all people know that robots weakness are is relating to Salvador Dali  and how  he had did deformed bodes and some violent pictures that can be a bit funny

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