Friday, 20 November 2015

Bauhaus recherche

A nice design i like the deep black contrasting with more distorted colors like the red and dirty yellow. with a good Bauhaus design some straight shapes over lapin each other and connecting well and the text is spread across the design fighting in with the design. 
This one has a defined face in the back covered by a bit of the simple bars design that have a metal look to it text is also fitted around the design looking good I like that the more defined face is still working well with the abstract work of Bauhaus stile.
All colors on this one are distorted and have the old look to it I think it looks good with that design. It has the straight and thick lines that change between the red and black on a yellow background Black and red are defensively the predominate colors for Bauhaus design. 
I like the simple face design a good caricature representing a face feted nicely inside the design making a central point of the design again nice deep lack and red and the text is nicely spread out this one dos not have a distorted or an old look to it but still looks good.   
More different approach on a Bauhaus design very good though using simple shapes and and angle lines the space have been filed with a good design I like how simple it is with just 4 colors 3 shapes and some lines the text is also placed in a nice easy to see place. 
I don't like this one it seams boring and I  don't like the orange contrast as well that the orange fates at the top to a brighter orange the lines seem random and not thought about  they are poorly spreader out and don't seem to have any kind of order.  
there are some examples of how flexible the Boathouse can be it can be used in modern pop culture as you can see from the batman design which to me seem very strong with the batman caricature made from shapes in batman stile and  the text is nicely spread out as well.You can also see that there are some costume designed based from Bauhaus designs with thick lines and defined shapes.   
this is a nice design that already looks like an book cover I like it a Bauhaus logo displayed well and bridging the attention with its slake and simple design and its strong black and white contrast.
and the other design is a nice design wit small amount of colors with not big contrast but working well together i like the circles inside the circles and the lay out of the design .

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