Friday 11 December 2015

New materials willow

We been introduced to a new material which was tree branches that we had to tie together or if u preferred an easy whay using duck tape to create an interesting abstract object that reference t i our life drawing. Because we  mainly did skeletons sketches t decided to make a shild that would resemble ribcage. I used duck tape to keep the sticks together i used it because string didn't seem strong egnouhfe to hoold my construction as it snapped when my construction had more oval shape.the I had to use tissue paper to cover the negative spaces using pva glue mixed with water to stick it to the wood stripe by strpe wit green in the middle ans yellow on the out side and used some wire that i raped on it diagonally jyst to give it bit more heft. (All of that had been done with being aware of the hazards and taking all the safty steps)

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