Monday 4 July 2016

Animation Research

Harry partridge is a talented animator and a artist that some interesting and for some people offensive and too exposed at some parts. I am a fan of his work his stile is very professional his work looks like some think from high quality studio nice smooth animations with well design characters with smooth lines making the images come alive and seem to have character and it also has very good coloring 
A nice image with nice shading it look very good in the animation with
smooth moment and transition. 

I like that the animations are bizzare and funny a mix of action and
comedy  with random creatures and wired reactions from the characters 
He even has a series thats he works on that has a intriguing story
with nice movement of the characters 
some of the animation are parody of games and giving them
a good sense of humour and like always great movement
he also do some music animations with some amazing
lip sinking with the worlds he was saying to go along with
the animation 
as you can see in this gif the animation is smooth and clan
i like looks good even tho the Thor is still it looks alive with
the other character is still looks a live.

Jazza is also a animator with some impressive skills of drawing and animating  with amazing shading abilities making the drawing look very real and 3d giving a good idea of depth and distance
a nice image showing human forms it has the proportions about right
and it has that nice cartoon look 

a nice design work showing how he builds his characters with
out any detail and how it is being gradually build it allows you
to work on you character and make them look as good as possible

a nice simple movement example bettween the images with a
nice simple character that is interesting and creative 

a good face structure example good use of guide lines and
trying out all the different expressions of a character and
seeing how it would work 

also a good example of body building and the proportions oh human body and
how it could work in different positions and and preforming different actions
to see how it would work in a animation 

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