Monday 2 March 2015

Automatik writing

I want to wright a story abaut adventures and mighti moutins and ... I will so there was a hero a braiv man that had a batel axe I was mediwel times and he is good an he fight monsters and such  and there are many bad people that are traying to kill him byt he is not  afraid because he is a MANNNNNNN.
he was climing a mountain to find a evil bandit that had robd an inn in a town not fare away and so he had fhot agenst the people that were bad so as he was claiming on the mountin hes bearad was magestkly flouting on the wind the sun whs shing down howewer the it was windi he stopt and luked he seen this face pefore it whas a man that stold hees loot the hero man was angry ''I will kill you you bad person!!'' he sed and the th charge at the bad man the bad man whas shokt an he has cald hes frend to help hem bhot they had fallen to the devastating strikes of the hero the blood was dreaping down hes fists as he looked at the bad person  and sed ''I will let free yours soul '' and he tried to czut hem with his axe but 

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