Wednesday 3 June 2015

Gnoumou masks/pau masks


The Gnoumou masks are spiritual artefact's used in many different rituals in the tribe of Bua(?) that is an African tribe that are using thous mask on many occasions to ask the good spirits to watch their the families and to Honor their ancestors the dances were impressive as were the mask that were made out of wood and represented something different the mask had decorations that where secret patents know by the elders of the tribe the markings represent the aspects of live and super natural spirit world that the tribe must follow. this relates to DADA  the early stages of surrealism(Hugo Ball had created DADA work creations) that were very primitive and wild things that cant be explain in full detail as it connected with the mystical spirits.

Spiritual masks and other costumes where also used in different cultures in Asia the mask where repressing mystical creches dragons and devils as well as good spirits.

Dongo masks are very impressive ass well they were extremal tall and very creative they where used in dogon masquerade a spiritual dance.  

what i am looking to do is to create a totem ore a mask that can relate to the spiritual world of the ancestors it is surreal because the faces on the totem are deformed and unproportional as well as they are simply made in wood and wood cant naturally have a face of a animal. I will use chisels to carve out the shape in a piece of wood.

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