Monday 8 February 2016

charakter design

I did more work on the" my story thru college" work and i had to develop my character more so at the beginning i just made the main story quickly just to on pouts notes to see if i could add some seals or take some out of the story. Then  I did some recherche in to designing and developing characters to help me get some ideas for the stile of the animation so i did some sketches on paper and in my sketch books and mad up some nice illustrations representing me to tell the the story of my journey to college how I think i progressed and developed and to describe me thous and felling thru a video scribe or a  comic strip.

after completing the story and drawing a comic with an pencil i went over it with a black ink pen to make it stand out more and then copied it in a photo copier to keep the ordinal and be able to experiment a bit to see what stile of coloring will work the best and will have the best visual effect  

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