Thursday, 1 December 2016

reserche for the utopia animation

We thought that a good source of inspiration would be manga as it has good art in them and is doing a good job at persuading  dramatic scenes one of the main features that we will be focusing on is using the line shading as its sutle but has a big impact on the image that's why we thought it would be good to include some thing like this in our clunky animation

A image from a popular manga. it has simple line shading that look good to me it makes the image be more appealing the image has also a good use of black and white.

Another image from that manga the lines help to indicate the intencensty of the situation the line shading is also good at showing the contrast between the lights and the darks which can further indicate the situation
Thanks to the dark lines tapering to the centre of the composition its  leading the audience to look to wards it and focuses there attention to it it's also making the image look dramatic
the shading can improve the translation of  characters emotion and the amount of the light in the scene

A good example of how shading can make a image stand out and how it can add detail to the image even if is just simple line shading you can tell how the one with out shading looks plane and not interesting and how the one with the most shading is standing out and there is lots more that can be seen.
again the line and the crosshatched shading is proving to work with setting the scene and make the image stand out more and be more interesting and just have more detail to it
through experience I have hound out that the line shading is working well with colour as it emphasise mote on the shape of the bone or object and the direction of the light

We planed to create a minimal animation I don't know if it is the correct term for it but b what it is is a clunky minimal movement animation more like a comic with sound and some movement I think that that kind of animation can be engaging as it should have some moving elements in every scene if it is beams of light, dust, characters,structures or anything ells that could be moving and it also helps to spark the viewer imagination. It will be some thing along the lines of some of thous examples 

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