Tuesday 7 March 2017

final progress

I had to modify the spinning part as it wasn't square and was all wobbly  so i needed to cut it with a saw so i could take it out of the box and change it i had added a long bar out of news paper and tape that then was connected to the spike cog part then was put in to the box going all the way across the inside of the box then the part with the handle was connected to it with a screw(which i should think of using earlier) and secured it there with plaster bandage. it was decently more stable than before.

I thought that the simple cog machine will be easy to compromise as when you make a cog mechanism you need to make sure that the spaces between the teeth are equal and for me that is hard to  achieve. the circumference of the circle was far of for the other cog I made and the teeth wouldn't properly dig in there fore the mechanism wouldn't work. I thought that ch wire would work well with a spoke while as there would be a lot more points of contact and the the spikes can don't have to be placed in a perfect spot and it should spin well.

to make the spike while i used the same way i made the cog by cutting out the correct 2-4 shapes out of a card board and them gluing together to give it a bit more mass and then wrap it around in plaster bandage to make it a little bit more solid then I drove some stiff wire bits in the sides of the while after i covered them in hot glue  to make them stay in the circle.

I had the big while which i was going to put the teeth on but since I decided to to use ch wire instead I had simply cut out the the wire to cover the edge of the while  and attache it to the while with wire elevating it a little bit .

to attache the big while to the box I have used a broom handle I tied down a stick in the horizontal position with a rope close to the top of the handle and put it through the hole in the top of the box I did this way so it could be easily removed if i needed to. I have slid up the big horizontal cog like while and secured it with wrapping some news paper around the broom handle and taping it down at the height i needed it at. (If i was to do it again I would make a card box and maybe mix it with plaster bandage and then firmly attache it to the broom handle to secure the cog while that might have been more stable but I suspect that high amounts of friction could of create some problems)  

I added some wires at the top going from 3 different part of the box connecting to the broom handle in the middle to stop it from moving all over the place

the mechanism didn't work because of the of the big horizontal while was to wobbly and the spikes on the small while where a bit to long which can be easy fixed. most of options that would stop the cog from wobbling would compromise the movement the one I tried which was to make wire extension on the bottom of the horizontal cog and then use some tape to make it have slopes/ramps in the area where the wire was joined so it looked like a smooth wire while attached to the cog and it was supposed to be geld up by other wires/sticks but it couldn't hold up the weight it would need extra support which could be time consuming. I come to conclusion tat I'm not going to get any more knowledge caring on with this device


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